21/05/2013 - réf 41596
Professional announcer
» Sale
» House / Villa
Number of rooms :6
Rooms number :5
Address : (View map )

13390 AURIOL

Bouches-du-Rhone (13)


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AURIOL (BOUCHES DU RHONE - PACA). This is a five bedroom house that has a beautiful living space with a fireplace and a large fitted kitchen. It has a terrace, a pool, horse boxes, a double garage and a garden space. It is only 1km away from the local village. For more information about this property or to see our 30000+ properties in France go to our website ... Estate Agency CAPI FRANCE ref 226435 or contact our english speaking staff on ... E-mail ... We look forward to finding your dream home!

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The reviewers recommend this real estate listing for :

checkHouse / Villa


checkProfessional announcer

Area of ​​the real estate (house, land, apartment ...) in square meter : 160

Number of rooms : 6

Number of bedrooms : 5

Number of bathrooms : 1

Number of shower rooms : 1

Number of terraces : 1

checkEquipped kitchen

checkGarage attached to the house

Parking : Private

Area of garden in square meter (house) : 4500

checkPrivate pool

checkElectric heating

Energy consumption (heating, water heating, cooling) : 151 à 230 D

Emissions of greenhouse gas (heating, water heating, cooling) : 21 à 35 D

Price of the real estate or monthly rent if this is a rental or roommate : 579000 €

Date of the last real estate ad update : 21/05/2013