21/05/2013 - réf 46068
Professional announcer
» Sale
» House / Villa
Number of rooms :8
Rooms number :5
Address : (View map )

- centre ville, animations, commerces, bus

34290 VALROS

Hérault (34)


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VALROS 34290 Beautiful renovated vineyard situated in the village of Valros Beziers, 10 minutes from the A75. Completely renovated, it will surprise you with its spaces and its potential. It is composed of a ground floor large garage and a large room which can be used in studio or playroom, the first of a large room with kitchen and three bedrooms, the second of two bedrooms and an office . Heating aircon réservible A large terrace of 20 m2 you will enjoy the outdoors. Excellent location and well exposed. Plus: a well in the garage. Opportunity to assist you in financing my brokerage activity. A must see and quickly. Price: 173,000 euros FAI Included GROUPEMENT IMMOBILIER - Fabrice MALLEVAES ... For more information about this property : ... (Item ... ...

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Area of ​​the real estate (house, land, apartment ...) in square meter : 140

Number of rooms : 8

Number of bedrooms : 5

Number of bathrooms : 1

Number of toilets : 1

Energy consumption (heating, water heating, cooling) : 50 à 90 B

Emissions of greenhouse gas (heating, water heating, cooling) : < 5A

Price of the real estate or monthly rent if this is a rental or roommate : 173000 €

Date of the last real estate ad update : 21/05/2013