Dpt Lot (46), à vendre secteur MONTFAUCON FDC bar, hôtel, restaurant. (KDJH-T225428)

(458 m²)
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21/05/2013 - réf 48160
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Lot (46)


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Near MONTFAUCON (LOT, MIDI PYRENEES) Operating assets of a bar/hotel/restaurant situated just four or five kilometres from an A20 motorway exit. It is very spacious, with a 24m² bar, an 84m² dining room (seating 53, or a group of 100) and two terraces (seating 22 and 28). There are four bedrooms for guests, whilst the remainder is reserved as private lodgings. At the moment, the assets are for sale by themselves, but the premises themselves ('walls') could also be purchased - for a total price of €274,710. See item no.244226 for a description. For more information about this property, please contact our English-speaking staff by telephone ... or e-mail ( ... ), quoting reference number 244226 . To see our range of over 30,000 properties in France, please visit our website: ... Estate Agency CAPIFRANCE – We look forward to finding you your dream home!

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checkProfessional announcer

Area of ​​the real estate (house, land, apartment ...) in square meter : 458

Energy consumption (heating, water heating, cooling) : NC

Emissions of greenhouse gas (heating, water heating, cooling) : NC

Price of the real estate or monthly rent if this is a rental or roommate : 111960 €

Date of the last real estate ad update : 21/05/2013