21/05/2013 - réf 48300
Professional announcer
» Sale
» Apartment
Number of rooms :3
Rooms number :2
Address : (View map )


Var (83)


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FLAYOSC (VAR, PACA) in the centre of the village, this 2 bedroom duplex measures 58.08m², located in a village house, in a quiet area, close to amenities. Comprises living room with open plan kitchen area, shower room seoarate toilet. 2 bedrooms upstairs. PVC double glazing, tiled floors, no work to be done. For more information about this property or to see our 30000+ properties in France go to our website ... Estate Agency CAPI FRANCE ref 213503 or contact our english speaking staff on ... E-mail ... We look forward to finding your dream home!

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