Property Rent a House in London (PVEO-T551362) Property Rent a House in London (PVEO-T551362)Property Rent a House in London (PVEO-T551362)Property Rent a House in London (PVEO-T551362)Property Rent a House in London (PVEO-T551362)Property Rent a House in London (PVEO-T551362)Property Rent a House in London (PVEO-T551362)Property Rent a House in London (PVEO-T551362)Property Rent a House in London (PVEO-T551362)Property Rent a House in London (PVEO-T551362)
21/08/2013 - réf 89036
Professional announcer
» Rental
» House / Villa
Rooms number :5
Address : (View map )


United Kingdom

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Description A large, modern 5 bedroom town house located moments from the Common/ The property comprises a spacious reception, study, playroom, fantastic kitchen/breakfast, family room, 5 double bedrooms, 3 bath/shower rooms, gated parking and large garden.

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The reviewers recommend this real estate listing for :

checkHouse / Villa

checkClassic rental

checkProfessional announcer

Number of bedrooms : 5

Price of the real estate or monthly rent if this is a rental or roommate : 8096 €

Date of the last real estate ad update : 21/08/2013