Dpt Morbihan (56), à vendre NOYAL PONTIVY ensemble de bâtiments à rénover - Terrain de 1553 m² (KDJH-T153604)

(150 m²)
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21/05/2013 - réf 49107
Professional announcer
» Sale
» House / Villa
Number of rooms :9
Rooms number :3
Address : (View map )


Morbihan (56)


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NOYAL PONTIVY (MORBIHAN, BRETAGNE) This group of buildings with lots of land, situated at the heart of a very dynamic town, offers lots of possibilities. You could have a business on the ground floor, apartments upstairs or even a guesthouse. Anything is possible, even just using it as a comfortable home. It is for you to choose. For more information about this property or to see our 25000+ properties in France go to our website ... Estate Agency CAPI FRANCE ref 169023 or contact our english speaking staff on ... E-mail ... We look forward to finding your dream home!

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