Large Masia-Restaurant with 3 Apartments at Montserrat Mountain (WVIB-T3542)

(2011 m²)
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22/05/2013 - réf 51361
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Large Masia-Restaurant with 3 Apartments at Montserrat Mountain Masia-Restaurant with 3 apartments, pool, terraces, garden, tennis court and garage in Esparraguera, 45 minutes drive inland from Barcelona. The Masia has panoramic views to the Montserrat mountain and is perfect as Hotel-Restaurant, for events or workshops. Professional kitchen and inventory for the restaurant, furniture and decoration included. The property comprises among others: Large hall, bar, refectory for 200 people, various receiption rooms, 3 large terraces with views to the Montserrat mountain and the valley, fireplace room, bodega, industrial kitchen with cooling chamber, various bedrooms and bathrooms. Currently the house is divided into 3 separate apartments plus restaurant area but this can be easily changed. A large property with complete furniture, inventory and equipment in an attractive location!,12852

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Real estate listing's GPS coordinates : 41.538889,1.870692