Dpt Gard (30), à vendre Proche LEDIGNAN maison T6 158 m² sur terrain arboré de 1500 m² (KDJH-T229309)

(158 m²)
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21/05/2013 - réf 43809
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» Sale
» House / Villa
Number of rooms :5
Rooms number :4
Address : (View map )


Gard (30)


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LEDIGNAN (GARD, LANGUEDOC-ROUSSILLON) EXCLUSIVE! Near the heart of a well wooded terrain sits a 158 m² home with 4 bedrooms and a beautiful corner office upstairs. On the ground floor it offers a 50 m² living room with fireplace and wide opening onto the sheltered terrace. Adjacent to the kitchen is a storeroom but also a 9 m² laundry room. Outdoors you will overlook the garden from the terrace and summer kitchen. There is also a pool on this very spacious property. Inviting you to contact our office today to schedule a viewing appointment. For more information about this property, please contact our English-speaking staff by telephone ... or e-mail ( ... ), quoting reference number 249257 . To see our range of over 30,000 properties in France, please visit our website: ... Estate Agency CAPIFRANCE – We look forward to finding you your dream home!

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