Property Dpt Eure (27), à vendre proche BERNAY café - tabac de 130 m² - (KDJH-T218103)
21/05/2013 - réf 39947
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27300 BERNAY

Eure (27)


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BERNAY (EURE - NORMANDIE HAUTE). The sale of a café/tabaconnist that is 130m² big and has enjoyed a steadily rising turnover. It also has a 100m² five room apartment upstairs. Located close to Bernay on the main road linking Evreux to Bernay. For more information about this property, please contact our English-speaking staff by telephone ... or e-mail ( ... ), quoting reference number 237551 . To see our range of over 30,000 properties in France, please visit our website: ... Estate Agency CAPIFRANCE – We look forward to finding you your dream home!

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