18/06/2013 - réf 80524
Professional announcer
» Rental
» Offices / Commercial premises
Number of rooms :4
Address : (View map )

51100 Reims

Marne (51)


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REIMS (MARNE, CHAMPAGNE-ARDENNE) Commercial premises (150m²) with a 60m² shopfloor, situated on a bustling street with a nearby carpark (20 spaces). Available from mid-February. The lease would be suitable for any business venture, excluding restaurants etc. Three months' rent required for the deposit. For more information about this property, please contact our English-speaking staff by telephone ... or e-mail ( ... ), quoting reference number 236900 . To see our range of over 30,000 properties in France, please visit our website: ... Estate Agency CAPIFRANCE – We look forward to finding you your dream home!

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