21/05/2013 - réf 47772
Professional announcer
» Sale
» House / Villa
Number of rooms :6
Rooms number :3
Address : (View map )

22210 Plumieux

Côtes-d'Armor (22)


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This house, located in the village square, is divided into three floors: the ground floor was used for commercial purposes and 1st/2nd floor is habitable. It would be very easy to convert the ground floor into accommodation (it has plumbing: two kitchen sinks, bathroom). The upper two floors contain an open-planned kitchen/living room and two / three bedrooms. The property has a private walled garden / courtyard with a small pond, conservatory and a quiet, independent summer room. The property is located in the town center of Plumieux with a bakery, small supermarket, two schools, a bar / restaurant, hairdressers and sports center all within easy walking distance.

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Perfect property for couples
Perfect property for couples with young kids
Perfect property for families with teenagers
Perfect property for seniors
Perfect property for students
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