Abhinav Gupta (ZPOC-T2235890)

(221 m²)
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23/05/2013 - réf 61810
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» House / Villa
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This advertisement is brought to you from ... Property Code: RS401617 A residential enclave where 90% of the landscape area is actually free space. Banish deadlines. Break free from cramped cubicles and matchbox apartments.From compromising on every square foot and cutting down on vacations just because there's the mountain of home loan catching up fast. Hit the tarmac and take off a place which doesn't offer excuses. Which doesn't ask you to compromise only because it cannot accommodate your dreams. Spare yourself the stress, the grime, the pollution and the mediocrity. Because, life wasn't meant to be a compromise, it was meant to a promise, lived.Introducing Mohili Meadows, your sanctuary from the mad twenty first century rush, your own nook in Karjat. A residential enclave where 90% of the landscape area is actually free space. Interested by acres of greenery, with walking lanes judiciously designed in between. It's the perfect weekend getaway take off with the family on a Friday evening, have a nice bonfire party at night, laze away the Saturday and Sunday and come back refreshed to work on Monday morning. A 3-night holiday at your disposal, whichever weekend you feel like taking one. That simple, really. The plusses also include the option of sub-letting your property, should you so wish. we can help you rent out your property or you can do so directly. Amenities - Mini Golf Course - Natural Waterfall - Children's Play Area - Badminton Court - Jogging Track - Party Area - Water Body - Sandpit - Play Equipments - Pathway - Pool Area - Party Lawn - Service Entry - Courtyard - Out Door Games - Adventurous Games (Zorbing, Angling, Archery, ATV Rides, Boating, Pottery, Rope Bridge, Sack Race, Water Ball, Zip Line) - Restaurant - Swimming Pool - Conference Room - Banquet Hall Location Advantages - 6 kms. away from Karjat Railway Station - Connected to Mumbai city via the Mumbai - Pune Expressway - R.C.C Structure - Granite Window Framing - Carbonate / Ceramic Framing - Heavy Section Openable and Sliding Windows with Anodizing - Teak Wood Door Frames and Water Proof Doors - Bath Tub (Only in Studio and Service Apartments) - Class 1 Electric Fittings For cheap home loans in India visit ... Aminities, Car Park, Garden, Swimming Pool, Gymnasium, Security Guard, Water : 24 Hours a day, Electricity :24 Hours a day ...

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