564274 - Apartamento en venta en Manilva, Málaga, España (XKAO-T2990)

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22/05/2013 - réf 54379
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Rooms number :2
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Princesa Kristina is a development of 42 townhouses, 2 and 3 bedroom apartments built to a high specification which was completed in 2005.The development is situated on the right-hand side of the Princess Christina road as it begins to climb to the original urbanisation. The development is located in the Duquesa area which has a plentiful supply of amenities and the nearby port offers numerous bars, restaurants and excellent beaches. These properties all have parking included and provide absolutely stunning views of the coastline. They are furnished to a excellent standard and provide both hot and cold air conditioning. The kitchens are modern and fully equipped which include integrated appliances. The communal pool area is positioned in front of the development which allows uninterrupted views of the sea and nearby vineyards.Property is registered as SL, no buying costs! Ref: 564274 : Features : ,61070

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Perfect property for couples
Perfect property for couples with young kids
Perfect property for families with teenagers
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