559724 - Villa en venta en Sotogrande, San Roque, Cádiz, España (ZYFT-T5065)

(1042 m²)
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22/05/2013 - réf 51285
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» House / Villa
Rooms number :6
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- Sotogrande

San Roque



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Proyect and Licence approved 17 May 2007. Accommodation comprises: Huge Living room with 2 waters style roof. Sitting room. Dinning room. Furnished kitchen with breakfast area and storage. Elevator. Gymnasium. Games room. Cinema room. Sauna. Turkish bath. Staff accommodation. Laundry room. Machine room. Storage. Underground garage for 5 cars. A/C. Radiant floor. Domotic system, Music system. Satellite Dish. Features : Air Conditioning Hot/Cold, Guest Apartment, Lift, Turkish Bath, Completely Equipped Kitchen, Garage, Gym, Utility Room, Private pool, Games Room, TV Room, Sauna, Installed Music System, Intelligence System, Floor Heating, Storeroom, Satellite TV,67763

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