255812 - Parcela Urbanizable en venta en Mijas, Málaga, España (ZYFT-T5862)

(45000 m²)
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22/05/2013 - réf 51469
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lThe 30,000 m2 plot lies on a hill-side overlooking the La Cala golf course with spectacular panoramic views to the south and east towards Mijas Pueblo and Fuengirola. The plot lies in an area of low density development with an abundance of green, rural land creating a superb local environment. Importantly the plot offers the opportunity for development as it is categorized as ?urbanized land ?which allows a variety of development options. Further negotiation with the relevant local authorities may well enhance the current build per area of land allowances. Full supporting documentation is available as to the current land categorization . Both water and electricity are locally available and an access road is in place. Features : ,67029

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