2 bedroom house in Calabria (GXNC-T1670)

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23/05/2013 - réf 60281
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» Sale
» House / Villa
Rooms number :2
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This Luxury property for sale in Calabria was built in the eighteenth century and is a building of five levels, originally inhabited by several families. The property is situated on a rocky spur sandstone foundation upon which much of the town of Pizzo is nestled upon.Keeping the exterior of this luxury property for sale in Calabria using the same materials and preserving important architectural elements, this building will be completely refurbished using the traditional materials and the new interior design will feature eco friendly indoor gardens keeping to the eco design this industry leading builder is bringing to all their projects in Calabria.

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Perfect property for couples
Perfect property for couples with young kids
Perfect property for families with teenagers
Perfect property for seniors
Perfect property for students
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