171696 - Parcela en venta en La Cala de Mijas, Mijas, Málaga, España (ZYFT-T5566)

(759 m²)
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22/05/2013 - réf 51831
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Rooms number :3
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- La Cala de Mijas



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30,000 SQ. MTR ELEVATED PLOT WITH TWO HOUSES,ON TWO PLOTS, 1.-10,000M2 WITH COMPLETED LOG CHALET 3 BED 2 BATH, LOUNGE, KITCHEN AND POOL, FANTASTIC VIEWS, OWN WATER, SEWAGE SYSTEM, ELECTICITY. PLOT 2 -17,0000M2WITH PERMISSION APPLIED FOR TO BUILD EIGHT HOUSES ON THE PLOT.THE PLOTS CAN BE SOLD SEPARATELY. Features : Condition - Good, Double Glazing, Electricity, En suite bathroom, Generator, Kitchenette, Living room with dining area, Living room with fireplace, Mountain View, Natural spring, Private pool, Private Terrace, Satellite TV, Solar Heated Water, Solar Panels, Water,68183

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