11 Bedroom - Villa - Umbria - Sales (ZPOC-T1473468)

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23/05/2013 - réf 60394
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» House / Villa
Rooms number :11
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This complex of 850 square metres is placed at 4 km from the centre of Corciano, in a hilly and panoramic position, surrounded by an high boundary wall and accessible in two ways, both through automatic gates. The property is composed of two main buildings: an old stone farmhouse disposed on three floors and a manor house set on four levels. A watching tower of XV Century developed on three levels and making 170 square metres, has been completely restored respecting the original layout. The property is surrounded by a beautiful olive grove of 1.5 hectares with secular trees and a garden perfectly maintained with luxuriant plants and high-shaft trees. & Lifestyle ActivitiesComplexProperty FeaturesGardenOlive Grove

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